Well looked what arrived in the post this morning!!! I purchased this gorgeous 1930's Jester "Boudoir Doll" through a wonderful lady who runs a lovely shop in Somerset.
Niki of Nostalgia at the Stone House recently blogged about this little man and showed beautiful photo's of him in her shop window and as soon as I saw him I knew I had to have him.

Now I know these kind of dolls are not to
everyone's taste, I am sure when my husband arrives home this evening and walks in on this little man in our lounge he is certainly not going to be
ohhhing and
ahhhing over him like I did, and my kids
definitely didn't "get it" this morning when I was fluffing around him arranging him in one of their chairs, they looked at me like Mum had lost the plot! And to top it all, quite a few of my friends think I'm pretty crazy with some of my taste in these old dolls, but I just adore the quirkiness of this gent, yes, he's not the prettiest toy on the block by far, but I love the fact that he is old, from the thirties and has that
flapperesque look about him.

One member of our household who seemed impressed was Oscar our dog!! Although I'm not entirely convinced of his intentions, I secretly think he's on the side of my friends who don't approve of my dolls and if my back is turned he may just seek revenge for them and
sneek up and chew poor
ol' Jester, so the lounge door remains shut at all times when we are not in the room! Earlier this year I made a wonderful find, a beautiful Boudoir Flapper Doll, she is my absolute treasure and she has pride of place in my bedroom, I realised I hadn't blogged about her yet, so I've popped some photo's below, she's a real

I adore her painted face and
marcel waved hair. She wears her original silk pyjama's with a large black sash around her middle.

I agree, she's much prettier than the Jester, but they are both
adorable all the same. Jester does need some attention, he has some bare patches at the back of his knees which need repair and a few faint
stains on his costume, but this all adds to his charm. He'll be a long term fixture in our household now, coming out every Christmas, so be sure to look out for him in my decoration photos for next year!