This morning I have completed my assemblage shown yesterday and entitled it "The Flying Trapeze". Yes, it's a little cheeky, but I do like a bit of cheek!! I adore finding these amazing old images and transforming them into humorous pieces of art, I love nothing more than spending a lazy Saturday in my Studio creating with my kids playing around me and hubby creating his own concoctions in the kitchen, he loves to cook!! (Lucky aren't I!!)

I am writing this post with one of my gorgeous boys (Ethan), eating an apple on my lap, and he is finding it extremely funny that I refer to his Daddy as "hubby", bless him.

I am planning to create more of this style of assemblage over the next few weeks, as I have some amazing vintage trapeze images to work with so I will be sure to keep you posted on my progress. Have a super Sunday!! x