Children three that nestle near, eager eye and willing ear, pleased a simple tale to hear;
Long has paled that sunny sky, echoes fade and memories die, Autumn frosts have slain July;
Still she haunts me, phantomwise, Alice moving under skies, Never seen by waking eyes;
Children yet, the tale to hear, eager eye and willing ear, lovingly shall nestle near;
In a Wonderland they lie, dreaming as the days go by, dreaming as the summers die;
Ever drifting down the stream, lingering in the golden dream, Life, what is it but a dream?
Good Morning Amanda -
Lovely cards as usual. I so love the way you put things together. May I ask you a question? You said that your wings are made using acetate or transparencies. Do you stamp them or print them via the printer? I tried doing mine using transparencies through the printer and they came out very dark and the ink took forever to dry. I was just wondering if I did something wrong? I sincerely appreciate your help.
Thank you
Elaine Allen
Hi Elaine, Thank you for your lovely comments. With regards to my acetate wings, I use butterfly images that I print onto the acetate. It is important that you buy the correct acetate for your printer, if you have an inkjet printer, you need acetate suitable for inkjets, it has a rough side to it that you print on, which the color grabs really well and it dries quite quickly. Hope this helps. Mandy x
Oh wow these are cool!! I have been to Savannah and boy oh boy was that place rocking in the 1920's!!.
The houses are so pretty all painted different colours, but I think your ladies would have caused a bit of trouble in society if they turned up in their skimpy outfits!!lol!!
Love Ruth xxx
Once again, gorgoeus.
Thank you Mandy -
I just looked at what I was using and it was transparencies for a laserjet printer. That explains it then. Will have to stop and get the correct ones then. And if I have not said it before, I love your work. Don't know where you come up with all your ideas, but keep them coming, just lovely and fun.
Thanks - Elaine
Oh Elaine, so glad you worked out the problem, hope you now get some lovely wings printed out! Thanks again for your lovely comments on my art, I look forward to being in touch again soon. Hugs, Mandy x
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