Welcome to my little English Country Garden!! It was such a lovely warm sunny day today that my kids, husband and I spent the day pottering about the garden, and I thought I'd take a few
piccies and share them with my lovely readers.... Firstly, below are my two little cheeky monkeys (note the sign in the background "Beware of the Children")... it always gets a laugh when family and friends visit!!

I love to create lots of little fairy nooks in my garden and here is one.... The gorgeous toadstools were a gift to me from my parents earlier this year, I adore them and just love the way they look as different plants and flowers grow up around them at the different times of the year.

The statue below is beautiful, I purchased it from
Ebay several years ago and it can actually be set up to have water trickling out of the large leaf she is holding, it's something we keep meaning to get sorted but just haven't gotten round to yet. I think the sound of trickling water in a garden is so tranquil so it is a job we must try and do ready for next year (hope hubby is reading this...
oopps another job for him!).

On the wall surrounding the front door of my home I like to display some of my favourite garden finds, the art
nouveau style planter below is one of them, her face is so pretty I adore her.

Below.... little pink fairy umbrella's waiting to be plucked on a rainy day! I've got several of these beauties dotted all over the garden... the fairies love them don't you know!

We have a stunning pick rambling rose growing all over the front and side of our home, and at this time of year it is
breathtaking, the roses are the most gorgeous pink and it is currently flowering in abundance.

Another whimsical favourite that adorns the wall to the side of my front door, waiting to welcome you to
Maygreen House.

We're planning to set up a little vegetable patch for the kids next year, but until then they are content with their strawberry plant.... they had a good
ol' nibble on a couple of the strawberries today.... they tasted wonderful, so juicy and sweet.

And after a busy day pottering about the garden the kids flaked out on the lawn........
Just gorgeous! I love your little fariy gardenland. If I were one, I'd live there,no question
Hello Ms. Mandy,
What a precious post. I thoroughly enjoyed the garden photos and your musings about each one. Yes, I think the little bewared of the children sign is a hoot! :)
Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie
Love your beware of the children sign! I need to get one of those. :) What a pretty garden you have.
Mandy -
Your garden is enchanting, so beautiful. I love everything about it, what a wonderful job you have done (with the children also - LOL)!
Thank you for sharing - Elaine Allen
I want to play in your garden! No wonder Faeries live at your house:)
And those fabulous Boys what a treasure!
I am so glad you like the card. You truly are such a dear and special friend to me. I wish so many miles did not separate us.
The boys are just ADORABLE!! Fun day!
Your blog is an enchanted place to visit! Lovely photos of your beautiful garden- enjoyed my visit!
It's beautiful, and I am impressed by anyone who can keep things alive and help them flourish!
Hi Mandy! First, of your boys are absolutely adorable. I bet they are a handful and a half!!! Secondly, your garden is lovely. I love all the fairy art you have scattered throughout. I remember when I lived in England how lush and green all the gardens were. I wish I could achieve that look here in Arizona but it's just to hot and dry. I do have some pics of my garden on my "My Desert Cottage" blog if you feel like looking at something completely different!
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