At a recent Managers Meeting the Oxfam staff were set a task of creating their own way of raising money for the island of Haiti, other than using shop donations! This special fund raising event is to take place during the month of October 2009. Some shop Managers decided to hold coffee mornings, others sponsored walks, but our Manager, Debbie, thought that as we had some talented, creative ladies both working in the shop and the surrounding area, we should hold a "Handmade" sale alongside our usual goods during the month of October and all the proceeds from the handmade goods would go specifically to the Haiti appeal.
At the start of the month we are planning to dress the Oxfam window full of donated handmade items and as they sell and we reduce the stock, a smaller area of the window will be designated to the items until the month ends.

All of the money raised from these special events will go to the Haiti Disaster Prevention Project, which involves training and upgrading the emergency shelters to help Haitians cope with the devastating storms and hurricanes which are hitting their island nation more and more often. The total cost of the project is £150,000, some money has already been donated, so the goal is now £112,000, which equates to about £160.00 per Oxfam shop.
This is where I need the help of my wonderfully creative friends and bloggers out there... To help us keep our Oxfam Shop Window stocked with handmade goods for the month of October I am asking if any of you would like to make / donate a piece or two for this cause. The type of items we are seeking MUST be handmade; cards, bookmarks, cushions, bags, jewellery, pottery, dolls etc... Your item will be displayed and offered for sale at the Heathfield Oxfam Shop, either in the window or on the shop counter display. If you have a website or blog please label your item with this so we can advertise your site on our posters for the event. I will also be blogging about this in October with photos of the window display and shop, and I will display a list of all who have donated with links to your sites, this list will stay on my blog for the month of October.
If you would like to participate please leave a comment below confirming you wish to be involved along with your email address so that I can send you my address details for postage purposes. All donations must reach me in the UK no later than 25th September 2009. If you have any questions about this Charity Event please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you so much for your help, it is so greatly appreciated!
I've marked this and will come back to it ASAP.
Are you requesting a certain theme?
Ohhh Theresa, that's wonderful, thank you. There is no specific theme at all, the only stipulation is that all items have to be handmade. Mandy x
I would love to help. Please send me the information and where can ship to. I have plenty of handmade artwork that needs a home.
Email me at minis64@optonline.net
Hi, Im bumblebee from the forum. I would like to help. Please send information to -
I think I have it. Just send me the info and I'll send something out.
Oh Mandy I would love to help you! Send me all the info and count me in:)
I am so excited ladies, thank you so, so much, I've just sent you each an email with all the details. Hugs, Mandy x
Let me know the info. where to send etc and I will help.
Hi, I would love to send a few things to help...its a very worthy cause. X
Karen, Caroline.... Thank you ladies so much, this is wonderful, I'll drop you both a private email. Mandy x
Hi Mandy,
I think Haitti is a great cause and I would be happy to send something. Please email me the details and how long it takes to get something from me (WA state USA) to you... so I can ship in plenty of time. Ginger (mrstatro@yahoo.com)
I would love to send something Amanda but I've never shipped to the UK - I will check into sending a package - I wonder how long it would take to get to you! I will contact you soon sweets - xo Sherri
Ohhhhh Ladies, you keep on coming, it's so great. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, you are all so very generous! Mandy x
Mandy please e-mail me your address I have a couple of handmade things that'll never fit on my walls!!
ps: I mentioned this on my blog for you...every little helps as they say at Tesco!!
Ohh Ruth hun, thank you so much! xx
I will be happy to donate a couple of pieces of art for your cause. Please contact my by email so I know all the particulars.
Oh Debi, Thank you so much, I've just sent you an email with the details. x
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