Ohhhh my gosh!! I just had to share my latest purchase with you, I am soooo excited with it. I may have mentioned before that I have a friend who pops in to see me once a week at Oxfam, where I volunteer. My friend is an Antiques Dealer and he regularly attends auctions, and during one of his latest auctions he came across these wonderful old photo albums and thought of me.

So you can imagine my excitement when he walked through the door today with these gems to see if I was interested in them. One album is larger than the other and they both have damage to the exterior of the spine, but you'd expect this as they are so old. The larger album has a gorgeous metal clasp and both have beautiful designs on the leather covers. As you can see from the photo below, they also have glorious gold leaf pages (although the photos really don't do this justice).

When I opened the pages, not only was I greeted with the most stunning collection of vintage photo's, but alot of them we surrounded by beautiful vintage die cut borders, that were pretty beyond words.

The photos were varied ranging from young to old, men, women and children, even a few babies. I was over the moon to be in possession of such a treasure, and my mind was buzzing with the creative ideas I could produce if I scanned in these beauties.

I of course want to keep the albums intact and have them on display in my Studio Area as they are wonderful to look through and give me heaps of creative inspiration.

I am so pleased to be able to share my excitement with you, these truly are an Altered Artists Dream!!

Look how gorgeous these two little one's are..... The girl on the right is such a cutie pie!

And just take a look at this photo surround, it is so gorgeous, and the photo is amazing too, what beautiful clothes the girl is wearing.
Oh my gosh, how absolutely wonderful! What a treasure trove indeed :) how marvellous to think of the stories behind these photographs, you lucky thing!
I'll bet it was hard to contain your excitement when you opened these albums and found such treasures. Lucky you!!!
What a wonderful treasure those albums are! And how kind of your friend to think of you!
Wow how beautiful!! I was lucky enough to get my Granmothers albums with all of her postcards all collected in a white kid leather album, but no way near as exciting as the die cut surrounds on this beauty!!
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