Ohhh my wonderful readers, I have a sneek peek for you of my friend Mary's home! Do you remember I mentioned Mary in a previous post? She has THE MOST AMAZING vintage home and I will be visiting her again hopefully in a few weeks to photograph her home to share with you all, but in the meantime here are some scanned photos of when Mary's home was in a past issue of Period Living Magazine, her home featured on the front cover, above and several pages inside.

I had a visit from Mary to my home today, she came along with my other good friends Lilius and Sarah... and ohhh what a fun filled morning we had, drinking tea, eating Fondant Fancies, tinkering with sewing machines, talking vintage quilts, touring round my home and going through my creations, with lots of laughter and excitement.

It's funny how our friendships came about, us four like minded people, all who enjoy a Vintage Artful Life; Lilus I met through our children at the local school, she introduced me to Mary who is her neighbour and very good friend. Sarah I met through volunteering at Oxfam two years ago and we've been friends ever since. Today I invited Lilus to bring Mary round to my home and to meet my friend Sarah, it turns out when Sarah got here that she recognised Mary from several years ago when Mary used to run a Market Stall, (still with me??), Sarah makes button jewellery, among her many talents, and she used to buy buttons from Mary... spooky!!

I just knew we would all get on like a house on fire... and we sure did!! We are all hoping to meet up again at the end of August for another artful adventures at Lilius's and Mary's homes, so I'll have my camera at the ready as both homes are gorgeous, not to mention their gardens!!!
Ohh and by the way, if you want to follow Mary's blog here's the link:
The Vintage Cottage