I had a disappointing start to today, was meant to be going to the Ardingly Antiques Fair with friends, but as the weather was so awful this morning we decided to give it a miss, it's not much fun browsing round antique stalls in the pouring rain!. But my mood was soon lifted with the arrival of the Postman; Two large parcels arrived addressed to me, I knew instantly what they both were, and took my time opening them so I could enjoy every minute. The first parcel contained this gorgeous embroidered Cushion by the very talented
Lara Sparks. I met Lara back in November when I attended
"MADE" in Brighton, Lara was showcasing her stunning cushions and I just had to have one, and here is it "Bird on a Line". Thanks Lara I love it!

The next parcel was much larger and took me a good while to rip off all the packaging, but once inside I was ecstatic at it's contents, take a look at the stunning Art Deco Chair below! I made this purchase a few days ago on Ebay, I have been looking for a chair and table to put in my new Studio Space at home and this is the chair I decided on. The table is equally as gorgeous and should be with me in a week or so. The chair will need upholstering, I am going to use a lovely Cath Kidston fabric on the seat, as soon as it's done I'll post pictures.

My new Studio Space is going to be in what was the kids Playroom, we are in the process of renovating our current study as the new bedroom for the boys, this is a split level room which will be a fantastic room for kids, so as the boys will have more room for their toys in their bedroom we no longer need a designated Playroom so this will become a kind of Family Room with an area for my Studio... so excited!! Because of the renovating we have been having a bit of a clear out and during one of these sessions I came across an old hook shelf that we were not using and decided it needed to be on show, so good ol' hubby put it up for me in the Garden Room and I'm so pleased with how it looks (below):

With all this clearing out I was on a bit of a roll and had a change around of several things in the home including my treasured 1920's bust (below), adding some vintage books and silk orchids surrounding her....

Recently I purchased a gorgeous lace bolero that had a real vintage look to it, to be honest I'm not sure where I'll wear it, but it looks fantastic hanging up on my old wardrobe, so I think that's were it will stay.....

The renovation wont be complete for several weeks yet, but I'll be sure to keep you posted and blog about it when it's all done.. so watch this space!