I can't believe we are into year three with this blog event!! How time flies..... Well, once you've browsed around my studio space you can go on to visit many others via the events host; Karen of My Desert Cottage
http://mydesertcottage.blogspot.com/ Thank you Karen for hosting this again in 2011 and you do fantastic job!

During the previous two events my creative space was in my Conservatory, but earlier this year we moved our twin boys into a larger bedroom so what was the downstairs playroom is now a family room with space for me to create and the kids to read, do their homework and watch DVDs and play their Wii Games. The decor of this room is very much still a work in progress, but I am able to show you areas I have tackled which are predominantly for me.... Above is our front door from which you turn right into the Family Room.

My workspace overlooks our garden so it has plenty of natural light for me to work with, and it is also a lovely space to look out on to when creating. At the same time if the kids are in the garden I can keep an eye on them. My desk and chair were an Ebay purchase, and I recently covered the chair in a pretty rose fabric. I adore the curtains at the window, they are a Mulberry Fabric with a wonderful vintage Lido design depicting 1920s ladies swimming in the sunshine. On each side of my desk are old apple crates one of which houses my PC which is covered with a vintage linen tablecloth and topped of with old books and my current magazines. The other holds my beloved vintage Underwood Typewriter and more old books and music scores.

My computer screen I find a bit of an eyesore so I created this pretty cover for it when I am not using it, the cover also protects the screen from the sun, as this window has the sun streaming through it from about 11am until around 7pm in the height of the summer.

I must say my workspace has never looked so tidy, it is usually full of my current projects, but this photoshoot gave me a good excuse to have a little tidy.

The pretty seat below is actually a Lloyd Loom chest that a friend gave to me, I use it to store fabric and vintage linen and lace, and when it is not being used it serves as an extra seating area.

When we first moved into the house the family room was originally a kitchen and during our remodelling we moved the kitchen to the other side of the house, however, one feature from the kitchen remained; The Larder, it is tucked away in a corner behind a door, and it now serves as a craft storage space and mini library for my array of art books and craft magazines, it is one of the areas that I haven't tidied for you so what you see (below) is exactly how it is most of the time.

This is just the shelving area or the old Larder, if you turn to the left it actually goes under the stairs and here is where I house all my props for craft fairs and shows as well as my stock. Unfortunately it didn't make a very exciting photo so it's not here to show you I'm afraid. Below is the inside of a set of cupboards that used to house all the boys toys when it was a playroom, but it now holds my craft items such as glue, papers, cardstock, glitter, stamps, feathers etc... as well as the printer. It's great because it can all be shut away when I'm not using it. Again, as you can probably tell, this has not been tidied for the benefit of this post.... oopps, sorry folks!

The plastic containers in the cupboard above hold old music sheet papers, book pages, vintage postcards, bingo cards and cardstock , a sample of the type of things they hold are below....

I also collect lots of bits for props or for future projects, one such thing are ballet shoes, I like to alter these for my art, but I also sell them at Shows I attend as people seem to love using them as decoration in their homes.

As I said earlier, I share this space with my twin boys, and Ethan is lounging on the sofa below, reading as I photograph for this post. The pretty quilt on the back of the sofa was made by my good friend Sarah and the cushion is one I had sourced from overseas.

I have little collections of books and vintage photo albums dotted all over the downstairs of our home, this particular selection is in my Garden Room, it is displayed with my vintage crown, a favourite prop of mine.

One thing I have always disliked in a home are radiators on show (unless of course they are the beautiful old radiators from the Victorian eras)... so I cover all radiators in our home with wooden radiator covers, as seen below, they then make great places to display ornaments and photos. The ART sign below is a charity shop find of mine and I am going to eventually get round to covering it in vintage papers. Another favourite prop I adore is my Santos Doll (below), I move her about the house often and dress her differently.

On the door to my Larder (art supply) space is a primitive style dolly dress, when I first purchased this it's creator had baked the fabric in a concoction of vanilla, cinnamon and coffee and it smelt wonderful, but over time the scent has faded, but it still looks fab!

My dress form, modelled on an old Victorian style bust (hence the tiny waist), houses my handmade necklaces, but this form too gets moved around the house depending on how I feel; sometimes it can be found in the family room but occasionally it is in my dressing room.

Below is a close up of my Santos Doll, I have positioned a Venetian Mask on her head, we purchased this Mask a few years ago on a weekend trip to Venice, I love to have reminders around the studio of things we've done or places we've visited, I find it all very stimulating and good fun!

Well, this is where I create folks!! I hope you've enjoyed my little tour, I'm now going to take a well earned rest from writing this post and settle down with my latest Magazine and a lovely cup of Lady Grey..... Mmmmmm! Be sure to continue visiting other wonderful studios by clicking on the link in the top paragraph to be taken to the hosts website where you will find a list of all artists participating in Where Bloggers Create!
It was a joy to look around the place you create.... I loved ballet shoes..... thank you for share in was fun Hugs wendy
I love where you create and what i good idea for your computer cover-up
You and I would get along very well, as we like the same things.
OH MY! If you visit my post, you'll see why I love your typewriter so much!
Thanks for the tour!
your space is beautiful.
I love how you can be creating, yet right where your family is if they need you.
thank for sharing.
I love your space! getting to look out at that garden all day, swoon! I like the ballet shoes, and the chest that you turned into storage/ seating. Very creative :) Thank you for sharing!
I visited your blog today. Your pictures are lovely. I really like magical things too. In fact, we just did a post in June called "Under the Sea", and it shows my wonderful mermaid collection. Me and my daughters just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your mystical, wonderful ideas. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
I really enjoyed looking round your 'studio' where you create your beautiful artwork.
ps I love Mollie Makes too!
Your photo journey was fantabulous, Mandy!!! I had a ball peeking around your lovely home and studio space! You can be nothing short of pleased with your surroundings!
Thanks so much for dropping in with your always appreciated encouragement! I'm scurrying to get so many things done for the next show and I'm really realizing how long my stuff takes...it's madness really...I'm working on a stocking that is embellished with a flowing bouquet of Ranunculus. I'm loving the way it's coming together and can't wait to share it!
Take good care, sweety!
ps...I have to smile at your typewrite on a little table...I have the same set up :)
Hi Mandy, thanks so much for your visit my studio and your lovely comment. I enjoyed my visit to yours as well. I especially love the monitor cover, so clever!
Your space is wonderful! I loved seeing all the pretty vignettes and all your special goodies. Thanks so much for sharing.
Love the magical quality of your studio and the cover for your computer is such a great idea! I am an artist who loves to paint the whimsical and I do alot with fairies, mermaids and angels...and I just became the grammie to twin boys 2 weeks ago! So, we share alot incommon! Hope you will stop by my studio (there are pics of my grandsons in the post after the Where We Create one) soon or take a peek at my artwork
I think you might get a smile or two out of it! bertie
Thanks for dropping by my place. I love the large crown and the vintage typewriter. Yours in art...
You have a very beautiful place to create in....I love your computer screen cover.
Gorgeous!! I love your creations and collections, especially the ballet shoes!
What a beautiful creative space! Thanks for the tour.
I loved looking around your sweet place my friend. I love your computer cover-up. FAB!
Thank you for sharing with us all! It's been a JOY to visit you!
Blessings upon your creative hands.
Really enjoyed your pictures! Love all the ballets shoes, too! Such a great space for creating! Thanks for the tour.
Your space is wonderful. What a great idea to make a cover for the computer screen! Love it. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
What a bright and cherry place. Love how you created your computer cover up.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.
I love your collections. This spot is truly special for you I bet as you sit here and dream the dreams... *smiles* Norma
Mandy I adore the idea of the computer cover!! I may have to "borrow" that idea. :) Something tells me women all over the world are going to be heading to their sewing machines to make one as well!! Thank you so much for sharing your new space with us!!
where do you get you ballet shoes?? They're just wonderful and well as your blog. I love the photo of you in fairy and mermaid form, too cute! Please email me and let me know your shoe source!!!!, crainecdc@aol.com. many thanks, xo-cindy
I think you have created the perfect creative space for yourself and it shows in your beautiful work!
Just a wonderful space!!! I love the ballet shoes!!! I was just give a bunch of high heel shoes and I am going to alter them. I started one today!!! And I love your typewriter too!! My mother was from the UK, she was a war bride, who came to live here in Texas when she was 18. If you get a chance please stop by my blog and have a look at my craft cottage.
That is great that the space is multi-functional....you do lovely work as some of the other posts revealed. thank you so much for this lovely tour of where you create. i enjoyed myself!
Wow, you are one talented gal! Love your studio space and those beautiful ballet slippers! That antique typewriter is beautiful, what a treasure. Thanks for the tour!
What a lovely space! I am so envious of those ballerina shoes- my 5 year old is obsessed with pointe ballerinas right now! I love that typewriter too!!
Love your space. I specially love the old typewriter.
I also love the ballet shoes.
Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful space - how nice to create in the midst of family! Your desk view is lovely and what a great idea to cover the monitor!
It was a delight touring your creative space and viewing your wonderful creations, thank you for the tour.
Lovely. My daughter knows I have spoken for her first pair of pointe shoes. They are lovely to display. Your room is great!
What a great space you have. I love that window. Your typewriter is such a neat thing to have.
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