The dreamy Life After Dark
The delicately beautiful Paper Bird
The exciting Punk Rose Journal
The very vintage Rebecca for Vintage Living
The dreamy Life After Dark
The delicately beautiful Paper Bird
The exciting Punk Rose Journal
The very vintage Rebecca for Vintage Living
Oh, how very sweet of you! I feel so honored :)
I am such a newby...I assume I take the award and then it looks like I am supposed to pass it on, Right? You'll have to forgive me - I have only been blogging for 2 weeks. I had a website before that I wrote a little journal page but that's it. Thank you so much
Oh my goodness!! Thank you so so much! I am very honored that you considered my blog worthy of an award. I have never done this before either and I assume, as Rebecca said that I am supposed to post the award to my side bar with a link back to you and then pass it on? Thank you!
You are very welcome. xxx
What an honor. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and giving me this very special award- I feel so privileged. There are so many beautiful and inspiring blogs so I am very appreciative of this. Thank you!
Thank you so very much, Dear Heart, for this beautiful display of encouragement. I am in ecstatic shock... Your kindness has filled my heart to overflowing! I raise a glass to honor YOU, lovely Fairy Queen.
Congratulations! You're very deserving. :)
WOW - I am thrilled!! YAY!!! I love that you called me "exciting"!!! You are the best and thank you again :) xoxo Sherri
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