Welcome to the home of Maygreen Fairies, in this post you can peep inside my creative space and see where my creations begin their life! Actually as soon as I decided to join this Blog Event, which is being hosted by the wonderful Karen Valentine of
My Desert Cottage, I realised the task I had ahead of trying to tidy and organise my workspaces to look half presentable for this post. LOL!

As I have a busy household of husband and two 4yr old twin boys, there is not alot of spare space for a craft studio, so I kind of spread out around the house. I generally create at my dining room table in our conservatory (garden room), I love this room as it is all glass so has lots of light and views of my garden, which is a great area for inspiring my fairy creations.

Whilst creating I like to listen to "chill out" music the likes of Bhudda Beats and a wonderful Aboriginal Album that is my favourite, it makes me feel very calm and content whilst I craft away. It's also great to have a cup of tea on the go, my absolute favourite is Twinnings Lady Grey, it has such a lovely fruity summery flavour.

I like to store all my crafting "tools" and adhesives in an old wooden carry box so if I do have to create elsewhere in the house it's easy to "pick up and go".

Creating a storage space for my vast collection of Euphrema, vintage papers & books, cardstock, stamps, feathers etc.... was a challenge, but I have a beautiful window seat in my kitchen that is adjacent to the Garden Room and it holds all of this kind of stuff (below are photos of it closed as a seat and then open to reveal the hidden storage).

Now we move on to where I store my finished art pieces ready for Craft Fayres and for listing onto my website, this place is also where any clients visit to view my work for purchase. In the upstairs of my home I have a study which is split into two with a mezzanine upstairs area and it is here that I house all my finished pieces, along with my collection of craft magazines and books. (Pictures below).

Below, my handmade ragdoll sits on top of my collection of magazines to include Somerset Studio, Artful Blogging, Somerset Holidays, Cloth Paper Scissors and Lisa Kettells Piddlestix.

I also love to collect old jars to decorate, above are a few that are waiting to be "dressed"! Next to them is my collection of handmade fabric hearts and stars that I sell at Craft Fayres.

Below are a few of my China Pin Cushion Dolls that I turn into "Boudoir Feather Dusters", I am lucky to have a contact at a local Antique Auction House and he regularly finds these beauties for me to alter.

Finding space to house all the items I take to sell at Craft Fayres can sometimes be tricky, especially as we get close to Christmas, some of the items I have take up quite a bit of space, like the gorgeous cushions below that are made by my super talented Mum... check them out.....

I also have a large collection of old wallpaper and fabric books given to me by friends who used to own an Interior Design company, I LOVE rummaging through these for inspiration.

I am really hoping within the next eighteen months to have a small studio built in an area of my lovely garden, that way I can keep all my supplies and designs in one place and keep the house free of my crafty clutter! Thank you for checking out my art space, it's been great having you here, be sure to hop on over to Karen Valentine's Blog to see her wonderful space and also a list of links to other Arty Avenues! xx
What an amazing use of space! And talk about a lovely view. LOVE LOVE the wooden carry box. So creative to store things in your window seat!!!
Good luck on that new Studio you're dreaming of. : )
I loved peeking at your creative spaces! I really like the little nook upstairs under the eaves. But I'm like you, I have to have a view of outside for inspiration. My "studio" consists of one table in my office adjacent to the kitchen. On fair days I usually like to paint outside on the front porch as I watch the birds in the bird bath.
How very beautiful. You have a lovely home and are so very creative!
The glass room is a marvelous place to create fairies. How wonderful. The view is gorgeous too. You have a beautiful garden.
I love your blog, thank you for sharing how and where you create. You make the most amazing creations with such limited space, an inspiration to all of us that are 'space challenged"
Perfection! The view, the storage, the amazing trappings of a beautiful person! What a wondrous place! Blessings.
Wow! So glad you joined the party so I could find you! Great Space! I had tea with Lisa Kettle and if you take a close look at my dinning room table I have the ATC card see made me. Thanks, for sharing! Hugz, Z
Hey Chickadee!
Wonderful space! love your veiw!!
Big mermaid hugs
Well aren't you the clever Cleaver! What a great way to hide and hold all your supplies! I love it. Also love that all these wonderful bloggers and creative people have the neatest collections!
A very busy Momma you must be. I'm happy for you that you have made your creavtive space and storage all work for you. it's beautiful and Very smart! Enjoy the blog party!
The wooden box is such a great idea! And the window seat is a handy place to store things! Thanks so much for sharing your space.
I would love to see the rest of your house. You obviously have a great flair for decor too! I love the sun room wear you do your crafting.
I just wanted you to know that I received my mermaid card today and she is gorgeous. Thank you!
lovely...I really love the supplies you use to create :)
I love your work. Fun Party.
Hi I was intrigued by your name since it sounded much like mine and then saw you live in a town called Maynard something sorry i've forgotten the whole name. I got so involved in reading your post. I have ton of wallpaper books too. I hate throwing them out but I just don't use them all that much.
Great post!!!
What a great place to do your art. Love your ways to utilize with the space you have. Love your view and I am sure it gives you inspiration. I love fairies too. What a lovely place to live. Twin boys.. How special. Thanks for sharing your space. Keep Creating.
This is wonderful. To be able to create in the garden room must be so great. I'd love to have that much natural light coming in. Thanks so much.
Thanks for letting me peek into your space and how great to have the window seat that has such greta storage. Come on over and visit by studio at:
I am loving this party!!!
I love the chair full of pillows...makes me want to dive right in!
This is a beautiful space...the windows are gorgeous...that you can do all of this with 4yo twin boys amazes me...
I love that hidden space under what we (dutch) would call a window bench. Thanks for touring us around and giving us inspiration! I wonder how your halfdolls will look like when they are finished!
Hi Amanda... Love your studio space. I am coming to England to teach at Festival of Quilts in Birmingham.
I enjoyed my visit to your studio so much! I especially love the outdoor view and your music playlist. Its the little insights into an Artist's creating world that are the best! I always enjoy my visits to your blog and life. Many Summer Blessings,
with two 4 year old twins its amazing you can get anything done ,but how wonderful to be able to create with your Loved ones close by
Thank you so much for stopping by on the studio tour. It was so nice to meet you.
I love your collection of half dolls, everything looks so pretty. Thanks for having me over
Hi Amanda! If I had that amazing conservatory space, I would never leave! You must just love sitting there , surrounded by nature, and all the little fairies in your garden! Thank you so much for coming to my party. You have really helped make it a great success!
My Desert Cottage
You are very clever in finding ways for your creative spaces!
I didn't get my studio photographed for this event, but I am having a giveaway on my blog this weekend for "Christmas in July". Stop by if you like PINK! :)
Good day to you, my beautiful fairy friend! Your photos and home are absolutely charming, and your garden... Oh, be still my beating heart! Such warm and inviting spaces. What a beautifully creative space you live in! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at this lovely event; Thank you so much for your delightful visit. I look forward to perusing your blog and artwork -- please do stop by for another visit soon!
Enjoy the party!
Warm Wishes,
No wonders you make such lovely things. Your space must inspire you daily;)
I love every inch especially the window seat I would spend hours there daydreaming about new creations.
Very whimsical! Loved it all!
We share the same dream, except I am afraid to go to all the trouble and then not use the space. It would be nice to have all of my stuff out of the house....I love how you have that window bench for storage.....great space!!!!
You have such a beautiful and inspiring space. A studio in the garden is a great idea. Thanks so much for stopping by.
I'm totally in love with your creative space! So many sweet ideas put into use! Thanks for sharing and come visit when you have a moment!
What great use of your space! I love all of your faeries too..so sweet! I know you will get that studio built..just manifest it!! and it will be! :0) Thanks so much for sharing your creative space.
I would love to have you drop by to see my "studio in progress". I've just recently moved into my home and I've been remodeling for going on three months. I'm almost finished. (I think!!)
See ya,
Oh I do love the light that pours into your creative space! The wooden box is a great idea. Art on the go! Thanks for a wonderful tour!
bunny hugs,
I am so excited to see your creative space too! What a great view of the back yard and garden. Thanks for sharing! I just love what you do! ~Nan
Beautiful space...I love the natural wood, very rich, warm, and soothing.
I totally understand the little boy thing and space ... I have a 3 1/2 yr old boy {plus a 22 year old one and 18 year old daughter!}
Thank you for sharing,
You've done a beautiful job of keeping everything well organized for your crafting! Your conservatory looks like a wonderful place to create, with all the windows offering so much natural lighting, and the amazing view to outside. Thanks for sharing your inspiring spaces.
What a wonderful space to work in. I love your windows and your view! Those china pin cushion dolls are amazing! So glad you joined the party.
Your home is lovely and I adore how you find space to create. Very inspirational and creative. Thanks for letting me take a peek :)
Working at the table with your children around you is the best place to be - trust me - the memories you will have when they are grown will fill your heart! A room of your own in the gardens does sound delightful.
I love your blog. Your light airy room looks great to craft in. I mostly use the dining table too, but it doesn't look nearly as nice.
What a great space to create :) I would love to have that view. Rose
Thank you for sharing your inspiring space with us! I love seeing all your creations hidden the bench! Gorgeous window giving you tons of Natures beauty!
I am still going down the list of all who participated! I hope you will visit my new Studio too!
Artful Blessings,
awesome! everything is displayed and organized so nicely. imagine a little studio in the garden ... now that's dreamy!
What a wonderful creative space you hvae! I love your storage bench and wooden carrying box. Thank you so much for sharing your space!
:-) Molly
I love your blog, thank you for sharing how and where you create.
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