In the past I have blogged about a wonderful charity that I support "Spirit Jump", this charity was set up by Meaghan Edelstein, herself a recovering cancer sufferer. Meaghan remembered how much her spirit was lifted when she used to receive little cards and gifts from friends and family during her treatment, she therefore wanted to help other sufferers and lift their spirits in some way, hence "Spirit Jump" was born.... Spirit Jump is a grassroots, non-profit organisation with a mission to provide hope and comfort to the many men, women and children battling cancer. Spirit Jump accomplishes this by providing uplifting cards and inspirational gifts during this most difficult time. If you want to learn more or become a Spirit Jumper yourself, please follow the Spirit Jump link at the end of this post. Now, on to Cards 4 Cancer.......

Cards 4 Cancer is an appeal that Meaghan is making on behalf of Spirit Jump; On Saturday 10th April 2010, Spirit Jump and team leaders around the world will deliver bags of uplifting cards to their local cancer centres to be given to those battling cancer. Cards can be handmade, or store brought, but should contain an uplifting message to help JUMP the SPIRIT of someone who is battling cancer.

The purpose is to bring hope and comfort to many men, women and children with cancer! Not just creating awareness but also having a direct, positive impact on the lives of those that are hurting.

Spirit Jump has set a goal to deliver 100,000 uplifting cards, so if you want to join in and become a Spirit Jumper please either follow the link below to the Spirit Jump Site, or go direct to the Cards 4 Cancer site by using the link at the top of this page! Go on.... lift someones spirit!!