Ohhh my... you must check out this new show "The DIY Dish", you can watch it online and learn how to make these wonderful Cake Pin Cushions, they are truly scrumptious and so easy to make! Each show will demonstrate quick and easy projects for you to create, you just have to drop on by and visit their blog, it's fantastic.

In addition you can sign up to win one of these super Janome Sewing and Embroidery Machines, visit the DIY Dish website to find out how.
Those are so cute. What a nice idea.
Those look good enough to eat!
Hey I just ran across your blog and wanted to say I get this shows emails and have watched everyone so far. I have had a blast making these and am selling them in a store right now. I soon will get some made for my online store as well. It was neat seeing someone else loved them as well as me. Have you made any yet ? Kath'
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