As some of you know I am a big fan of working with Acetate. I enjoy using it to create my Fairy Wings in particular as it gives them a flimsy, gossammer look as well as being transparant.

There are other ways I have used Acetate in my art, and this collection is an example of one of them. I created these pieces a while ago using acetate as an overlay to give the impression that the fairies are behind the foliage.

The foliage images are taken from Japanese Art and printed directly onto the Acetate. The fairy images are then placed behind the acetate to give depth to the piece.

These vintage lady images worked particularly well in contrast to the Japanese foliage designs. They are some of my most favourite pieces I've created.
Mandy -
As always, your work is just superb!
Elaine Allen
They are really beautiful the layering works really well!!
These fairies are simply gorgeous. I love them. Take care, Nancy
My goodness, you've got such talent! What a wonderful idea, to use the vintage lady photos and turn them into glamorous faeries! Bravo!
Love your work, beautiful.
~Wendy At Blissangels
Stopped by from the where bloggers create party? Love working with acetate. Have a great week.
How lovely!
hi these are lovely :) was just wondering how you attached the acetate to the other medium you were working on? did you use glue? thank you!
Hi, I attach the transparancy paper with diamond glaze as it is a clear glue and cannot be seen under the trasparancy paper.
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